
You are in control of your life and here’s why

Let me repeat that again, “You are in control of your life”!

I love what Bill Gates said,

If you are born poor, it’s not your fault. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake

Bill Gates

Now, this quote will not apply to everyone. And not everyone will understand the meaning of it. I know, because I did not understand it at first.

This quote to me does not only talk about money but it is more about success.

What does success mean to you? You’re the only person who can answer that.

Success to me is living a life of freedom while making an impact on others.

You’re probably sitting there and saying, “Ernie, it’s easier said than done.” I agree!

But still, “You have control of your life”, why?

Reasons why you have control of your life

  1. You always have a choice to have control of your life
  2. You have the power to make a change
  3. You can work towards that change
  4. You have what it takes to take control of your life

You always have a choice to have control of your life

I know there are situations in which having a choice to have control of your life is out of reach. There are people from third-world countries who have no access to education. Some people may have no access to money. Or even some who have no idea where or how to get started.

But guess what, remember the proverb, “If there’s a will, there’s a way”? It is true.

And to be honest, most people who succeed are the ones who came from rock bottom. This proves that it does not matter where you come from. What matters is, where you want to go and how bad you wanted to get there.

I challenge you to look at the people you admire; an actor/actress, a politician, an author, a mentor. All of them did not get to where they wanted to be until they made a choice to take control of their life.

You have the power to make a change

You cannot change your destination overnight, bu you can change your direction overnight

Jim Rohn

As Jim Rohn expressed, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” After making a choice to take control of your life, change has to come next.

You can make a change, it is always possible. Also, to let you in on a secret, change does not have to happen overnight but you can decide to make a change now. At this moment. As you read this blog post. Now, what that change will be is up to you.

You can work toward that change

You can work toward the change you wanted to take control of your life.

Noticed that I said, “You” because no one else will do it for it. Once you made a decision to take control of your life. Then started making the change. You are responsible to continue working toward that change.

Say, your health as an example. You wanted to have a body that you will be comfortable and confident in. A body that is healthy A body that you will love.

The first step is making a choice to have a healthy body and that is an example of taking control of your life. Then after the choice comes the change. Reading, planning, and testing what you’ve learned about how to have a healthy body. Then putting in the work; exercising, eating healthy, drinking water, etc.

See what it involves? It’s all you! You have to do the work.

You have what it takes to take control of your life

If you still don’t know that you have what it takes to this date after reading my blog post, then let me enlighten you further.

Life is worth living, you just have the courage to live it!

Ernelite Dacumos

I used that quote in my previous blog post, “You are what you are meant to be”. And there I explained that you are what you are meant to be, you just have to find out who that is. Feel free to read it.

So, if you are already what you are meant to be. That means, you already have what it takes to reach whatever it is that you desire. You need to turn that desire into a goal though. Then start working towards it.

Now, I am not saying it will be easy peasy. I am saying that you are capable. That you have the power. I am showing you that you have what it takes to take control of your life.

If those four things are not enough, then let me leave you with this…

I was so amazed when I learned about The Law of Mirror from The book, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” by John Maxwell.

At the heading of that chapter, he stated, “You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself”. This means you have to see that you are worth reaching whatever it is that you desire. In order for you to start working towards that desire.

It all starts with you! It’s a matter of perspective. If you think that you are not in control of your life and rely on others to take control of it for you. Then sadly, it is true.

But if you believe that you are in control because you do. Then I promise you. Everything that you will do from this moment on, will reflect that belief.

Again, you don’t need to look somewhere else as I have explained in my blog posts, You are the Strategy!

I am choosing that this post enlightens and motivates you that you are always in control of your life. You will have struggles, problems, and challenges that are out of your control. But you are in control of how you will stand up and face them.



    1. I am glad you are finding value in my posts! You are most welcome!

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