
The Power of 5- How to Manage your time?

Hi gorgeous, time management has been huge for me and it started a few years ago. Managing your time not only gives you the feeling of fulfillment, but it also alleviates unnecessary stress in your life.

Don’t prioritize what’s on your schedule, schedule your priorities.

Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

How do you manage your time? As Stephen Covey noted, “Don’t Prioritize what’s on your schedule, schedule your priorities.

In this post, I will share tips on how I’ve learned to manage my time over the share in hopes that it can help you too,

How to manage your time?

  • Make a list of all the tasks you need to do
  • Prioritize each task based on their importance
  • Choose 5 from that list
  • Put it on your calendar for the day
  • Repeat

Make a list of all the tasks you need to do

One important task in managing your time is writing down all the things that you need to do. This activity alone relieved me of the stress of thinking and remembering what needs to be done. I found that if I do not make a list of all the things that I need to do, it gives me anxiety. There is also this tendency of forgetting what the tasks are.

Yes, writing the task down and being able to see them creates a sense of order and peace in my mind.

Try this, and let me know in the comments below how it is for you.

Prioritize each task based on their importance

Another way of effectively managing time is prioritizing each task. Being intentional and prioritizing each task helped me become productive. And if all tasks are of equal importance, I highly recommend doing the hardest task first. This technique helped me tremendously.

Choose 5 from that list

Though you may want to finish all the tasks on your list, it is best to break them down into bite-size pieces. I heard of “The Power of 5” years back which is prioritizing 5 tasks each day. This number does not feel overwhelming when prioritizing tasks yet it takes a good chunk out of your task to be productive. So, go ahead gorgeous, you just need to take care of five things.

Put it on your calendar for the day

Our mentor, Dawn Miller said, “If it is not on your calendar, it does not exist.” And yes, I have lived with this.

Again, I have practiced the activity of putting things on my calendar which takes the stress away. But if it is not on my calendar, I would highly likely have forgotten about it. So, be very gentle with yourself in this process. Write the list down and put it on your calendar. Notice that I am not assigning a time to each one. This will be a task in itself. If you have masculine energy and need more structure. Assigning how long each task will take you is perfect. But for feminine energy, it is more of knowing what to do and basing your energy on which or how long each task will take.


There you have it, how to manage your time! And repeat. Doing this process over and over again gives you the capability to build it as a habit. Not just a regular habit but an effective and fulfilling one.

Alright gorgeous, I challenge you to apply these tools and please message me and share the impact it has done on you. As always, if you find value in this post, share it with others, it’s the only way for us to share the knowledge.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Hey Chickie!
    What type of calendar do you use to keep up with your “Daily 5”?
    Do you update it every day or do you “Preview” your week/month ahead and fill in things you know must get done?
    Do you ever give yourself a “Free Day”?
    I’ve done all this before and this method has always worked GREAT for me (when I implement it).
    However, recently I’ve hit a HUGE funk and have drifted from my “organizational security blanket”. Consequently, I’m lost again, wasting time and energy and fumbling like a fish out of water. I thought maybe a “new” type calendar or method might “spark” me.
    Hit me with your “Tangible tools”!!

    1. Awww! I use google calendar for my power of five. I have implemented a software called “acuity” for people who would like to book meetings with me. They email you a weekly summary of all booked appointments.
      I check my calendar once a week for an overview and at the end of the day to know what to expect the next day. As far as planning, google calendar has a note section where you can type all the things you need to do, I used this actively when I was getting started. It helps me to have a bigger picture of all the tasks, then assign it to the calendar from there. Let me know if you would like more information about this.

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