How to fully accept yourself? Exploring Self-acceptance. Yes, we are doing this gorgeous.
I encourage you to stop. Ask yourself this question, “Do I fully accept myself?
In my blog post, “Why is self-acceptance a path worth taking?“. I explained a few reasons why one should accept the person that he or she is, flaws and all.
To be honest, exploring self-acceptance can be very scary. Nerve-wracking even. All the traumas and past conditioning when you are young can be seen as damaging. I am here to tell you that you are fine. There is nothing wrong with you.
As I said, it is all past conditioning. Now, changing the past conditioning is an option that you have to decide for yourself. But as I have shared before, awareness will always be the first step. That also applies to self-acceptance.
How to fully accept yourself?
Here are a few tips on exploring self-acceptance:
- Reflect on this question, “Do you accept yourself?”
- Make a list of all the things that you love to do and things that you don’t like to do.
- Make a list of things that you like about yourself and things that you don’t like about yourself.
- Tap into resources that will help you learn more about yourself.
- Reflect on the information that you have learned about yourself.
- Decide if there are things that you want to change and create a plan.
Reflect on this question, “Do you accept yourself?”
You may find this a difficult question to answer. To share a secret, it was hard for me too. But it is part of personal growth. We have to ask difficult questions sometimes. It is a way to get out of your comfort zone.
I recommend journaling on this and being honest with yourself. If it gets too emotional, be gentle with yourself. Give yourself space to really reflect on the question. Dive deep inside and seek the true answer. Be vulnerable. But do not judge yourself. If you need help, I’m just one message away.
Make a list of all the things that you love to do and things that you don’t like to do- part of your self-acceptance journey
If you’re like me when asked, “what do you love to do?”. And my answer, ” I like to do a lot of things.” But only able to name a few. Making a list of the things that you love to do is a good way to prevent that problem.
List away. Have a sit down with yourself. Indulge in this self-acceptance journey and list the things that you love to do. Why? Because these are the things that are stimulating for you. And the things that make you happy. I don’t know about you, but I love to do things that make me happy. It’s also a perfect list to look back and reference on a day when you feel down and want to do something fun. Fun in your own definition.
Alongside the things that you love to do are things that you don’t want to do. Sit down and write these down clearly. True to your heart and do not hold back. The things that you don’t like to do are the things that drain your energy. Things that do not make you happy. If you are true to yourself, I don’t recommend you to do these things. And communicate if with the people around you.
The people who love and care about you will respect it and appreciate that you communicate it with them. That way, you’re not pretending or dragging your feet while doing it with them.
Make a list of things that you like about yourself and things that you don’t like about yourself
Making a list of things that you like about yourself can be so much fun. Again, do not hold back. Explore this part of your self-acceptance journey. I know you don’t give yourself enough credit. And this is my way of guiding you to give yourself credit.
Make sure to list at least 20 things that you like/love about yourself. In any aspect of your life. It doesn’t have to be big. I have listed a few examples below for you. Just in case, you can’t think of anything right away.
- I love my smile
- I love my hair
- I love that I have patience with others
- I love to help people
- I love listening to country music
- I love that I learn quickly
- I love that I am always on time at work
- I love that I am compassionate
- I love waking up early in the morning
List away! You got this.
Again, the opposite would be listing the things that you don’t like about yourself. Before you do this though, I encourage you to list them without attaching emotions towards them. Without judgment in yourself. Knowing the things that you don’t like about yourself is another powerful tool in making decisions in your life. The goal is to get to know yourself on a deeper level. That’s it!
I named a few examples for you below:
- I don’t like that I am very impatient
- I don’t like my toes
- I don’t like to be around too many people
- I don’t like staying home
- I don’t like to date a short guy
- I don’t like the feeling of no direction in life
- I don’t like that I procrastinate a lot
- I don’t like that I talk to myself in a negative way
See! Those are examples, just naming them without judgment. Write your own list. You will be surprised by how much you learn about yourself in writing.
Tap into resources that will help you learn more about yourself
This is my favorite! Part of the self-acceptance journey is learning more about yourself. I am still learning more about myself to this day. A good place to start is tapping into resources that will help. There are free resources out there. I listed a couple of links below to start with:
There are plenty more out there. I am currently learning about my decision-making techniques. Learning more about my strengths. My weaknesses. Learning more about yourself can give you the upper hand in choosing a career that you are meant to explore. I am amazed at how accurate it is. And I actually confirmed that one career path that I should dive into is motivational speaking. I am currently working with a coach about this. (If interested, let me know and I will connect you with him).
Reflect on the information that you have learned about yourself
This is a journaling opportunity. Create a summary of all the things that you have learned about yourself.
My self-acceptance journey is still ongoing. But learning and accepting myself made an impact on how I react to a lot of things. I no longer aim to be liked by others, now I aim to make an impact. And not just say yes to what others want to do. This made a huge improvement in my time with the people I love. I have also acknowledged the people I love to spend more time with.
I am more intentional. And helps me react differently to adversities.
Decide if there are things that you want to change and create a plan
Yes, at the end of the day, you will need to decide if there are things that you want to change.
You’re probably thinking, this is a self-acceptance journey in which you should be accepting yourself. Then why do you need to make a change?
I know right? Yes. Self-acceptance is accepting yourself. That is why I said this journey is not to judge or condemn you. It is learning more about you and accepting the facts.
Now, reflecting on what you have learned about yourself will help you realize if there are things that need to be worked on within yourself. To become a better version of yourself.
I’ll share mine.
In my self-acceptance journey, I’ve learned that I was a perfectionist. I was too hard on myself. I easily react negatively to certain comments. It was just beating myself down left and right.
I decided to improve this mindset and made changes. Now, I am more gentle with myself. I seek progress instead of perfection. Was it easy, no. But it was a life-changing journey.
There you have it gorgeous! Tips on how to fully accept yourself. Again, I will say that exploring self-acceptance can be a scary journey. And it is okay.
This journey to self-acceptance though is not to make you feel uneasy about yourself. It is not to condemn you in any shape or form. I encourage you to see it as an empowering activity because getting to know who you are is a powerful tool to propel you to the next level or next step of your life.
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Always remember, even if you’re a man or a woman…
Be bold,
Be radiant,
Be confidently you!