
Do it scared! Because why not?

Now, this is very bold but as you may know me by now, I aim to be bold. Do it scared, because why not?

In the past year alone, I have made nerve-wracking, mind-blowing, and flat-out scary decisions! Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can make those decisions in a heartbeat. As you may know though, I was not like this before, remember the teaching I had, The 5 Little Known Steps to Becoming Confident in Yourself? I recommend reading it again, these are the things that I applied to get the mindset I have today.

Now going back to our topic, I did something scary today. And I wanted to share it with you… what is it?…

I just signed a contract to have a coach who will keep me accountable to finish the book that I am working on and who will help me get it published. Scary right? I am sharing this not to brag but to highlight two things.

You can do it scared

    It’s a rare breed of individual who does not feel fear or does not get scared, especially in unfamiliar situations. But it does not mean that it should stop us from doing something we have a burning desire to do. Fear is an indication that we are growing.

    Failing is part of the journey

    As hard as this may sound, failing is part of the journey. It took me a while to accept this fact but I learned that the more I make attempts the more I learn, The more I take action, the more I gain clarity.

    “I can’t afford to fail, Ernie!” you may say, and I agree, but how will you be able to get to where you need to be without testing the waters, exploring the possibilities, or even just taking the first step?

    But “How do you do it scared” you ask.”

    1. Remind yourself why you’re doing it

    2. Find people who will push you and inspire you

    3. Take it one step at a time

    Remind yourself why you’re doing it

    As I wrote my book and had set goals for a time when to finish it, I noticed that I was not getting where I wanted to be. I know my purpose in writing the book, is to reach YOU. To have something where you can pick up and gain some insights and tools that you can apply right from your phone or bag. A book where you can keep reading until you can have the confidence you’ve always wanted. I was not writing the book for me.

    Find people who will push and inspire you

    As I have mentioned, I didn’t have the results where I wanted to be, so I reached out to a friend of mine who became my coach. He helped me realize why writing was not my priority. He then proceeded with how it’s a disservice to YOU whenever I do not prioritize the book. And that alone lit the burning desire I had when I first thought of writing the book.

    Take it one step at a time

    Yes, results are more apparent when taking things one step at a time versus bulk steps sporadically. I understand that we want instant gratification but it does not work that way. Consistency is very important as you already know.

    So, do it scared, gorgeous. Remember that your results will be determined based on the actions you take and what you’re scared of is not your reality. Do it scared, because why not?

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